Why Choose A Clinical Assistant Program After Graduation?
After finishing high school, it can be difficult to know what you’re doing next. After all, you’re 18 and it feels like anything can happen. But it’s time to think about what you WANT to do next. You could start working at a restaurant or in retail until you have a plan. But you want to be successful soon, right? Why don’t you see if a San Antonio clinical assistant program is for you? Career colleges are a great way to start a career you love in a much shorter time. Discover if Southwest Schools (SWS) is for you.
Begin A New Successful Life Sooner!
Choosing to attend a San Antonio clinical assistant program directly from high school has its perks. For example, while your fellow graduates are spending years (and all their money) at a university or starting a low-paying job, you could finish your degree within eight to twelve months. So, in less than a year you could start working and make enough to lead a comfortable life. But where can you work once you finish your clinical assistant classes?

Becoming A Professional
After completing the program, students know what they’re capable of and where they can go next. Having that sort of stability is something many people want.
Where to find your perfect job? Clinical assistants often work in hospitals, clinics, and other similar healthcare facilities. But what do they DO exactly? When you become a clinical assistant, you can look forward to various clinical and administrative duties such as:
- Offering a welcome to patients and scheduling appointments.
- Recording vitals and medical history.
- Assisting with medical examinations.
- Preparing and administering injections.
- Preparing blood samples for lab work.
- Maintaining, accessing, and analyzing electronic health records (EHRs).
Clinical assistants are necessary within nearly every medical work environment. Frankly—things would just fall apart without their assistance! Start your program today and become a useful part of a team tomorrow.
Living A Comfortable Life
Something many employees don’t get in food service and retail is a comfortable living wage. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants made a median pay of $33,610. This is a comfortable amount for anyone to live off of. You can pay off your bills without any fear.
Not only that, you’ll usually work during a set schedule. You and your future boss will discuss this between the two of you. No more rotating weekly schedules like you would see in retail. Live the comfortable life you deserve by starting your clinical assistant program. It’s easy to schedule your classes with SWS.
Apply To Enter Our San Antonio Clinical Assistant Program!
So are you ready to take the steps to your new life? Feel free to apply to become part of our clinical assistant program today! If you have any questions for our team about our San Antonio campus or about our programs, call us at (210) 921-0951. You can also stop by our campus and meet with us personally. Our business hours go from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We look forward to discussing your future with you!