How to Start Your Own International Trade Company After Logistics Training

Are you passionate about international trade and making sure goods and services get to the right place at the right time? You might want to think about starting your own business. Finding success with an international trade company can present its own set of challenges, but it can become easier when you’ve completed your training

What to Know About Export Development Canada when Starting Logistics Training

In international trade, the world is becoming increasingly small. In the 21st century, products manufactured in Canada can be sold with relative ease on other continents due to increasing co-operation between governments and state organizations. Export Development Canada (EDC) promotes the interests of Canadian companies and sources opportunities in international markets. Established towards the end

How a FITT Diploma in International Trade Can Benefit Your Career

With a myriad of goods moving around the world on a daily basis, international trade is a booming sector. At any given time of day, a multitude of various products is being transported by air, sea, or land to end up, among other things, as the food on our tables, components in our technological devices,