4 Things to Include on Your CV if You Want to Launch Your Career in International Trade Management & Logistics

If you’re currently studying international trade management and logistics, chances are, you’ll be looking to launch your new career right after your program is finished. As a graduate from an international trade management program, you’ll be a professional who’s qualified to help businesses and organizations around the world keep track of their flow of products,

Steel Safeguards & What They Mean For Students in International Trade Management School

New steel safeguards went into effect in May of 2019. These safeguards are meant to protect Canada from unfair trading practices, preserving the Canadian steel trade industry and preventing loss of jobs. For anyone entering the field of international trade management, this matters as it affects the economy and available career opportunities. Canada’s steel exports

Understanding Global Value Chains if You’re in International Trade Management & Logistics

The world is more connected than ever before. Whereas in the past, products were routinely devised, designed, and produced entirely within single countries, today, businesses rely on vast global networks of partners and companies to help them create and deliver goods and services. These networks are referred to as global value chains (GVCs). GVCs are

Trade Trends to Watch if You’re Considering International Trade Management School

Globalization continues unabated and has increased demand for specialists in international trade. Thanks to new trade deals, continuing market diversification and revolutionary technology, the future looks especially promising for anyone considering a potentially lucrative career in international trade management. Read on to learn about some of the exciting trends that are going to have a

By Sea or By Air: Comparing Freight Options After Attending An International Trade Program

At any given moment, countless goods are being whooshed around the world by air or sitting on the deck of a freighter being steadily propelled along its shipping lane. Professionals in international logistics make daily decisions as to whether they will choose sea or air to get their cargo to its destination. So how do

How a FITT Diploma in International Trade Can Benefit Your Career

With a myriad of goods moving around the world on a daily basis, international trade is a booming sector. At any given time of day, a multitude of various products is being transported by air, sea, or land to end up, among other things, as the food on our tables, components in our technological devices,

Why CIFFA Credentials Matter for International Trade Management & Logistics Students

Heading into a career in international trade and logistics management, it’s important for new professionals in the sector to have credentials that will afford them the recognition they and their expertise deserve. That is why, in addition to proof of having graduated from a top international trade management program, it’s valuable to also acquire industry

Understanding International Trade Management & Logistics: a Primer for Students

In the complex, international business market, there are many detailed underlying processes behind the flow of products around the world. All of these processes require qualified professionals to make them work, many of whom operate in the trade management and logistics sector. If you are looking for a career path that allows you to do