3 Opportunities for Advancement After Dental Assistant Training

Training to become a dental assistant involves studying a multitude of topics around dental care. This can include taking and developing x-rays, applying fluoride, and making temporary crowns and restorations, among other vital functions you can fulfill. As a dental assistant, you will work alongside dentists and provide them with the careful and considered assistance

Considering Dental Assistant Training? 5 Interesting Facts About Tooth Fillings

After standard checkups, fillings are the most common reason for dental visits. Despite the fact that many people have had at least one filling, most know very little about the procedure. If you’re an aspiring dental assistant, your ability to engage patients and perhaps teach them something interesting about their health may contribute to their

How to Ensure Patient Satisfaction During Your Dental Assistant Career

In addition to their primary duty of assisting the dentist during examinations and procedures, a dental assistant plays a crucial role in patient satisfaction. You’ll have the power to keep patients coming back to the clinic and prove yourself a valuable addition to any dental practice. In addition, being a source of comfort and assurance

Clinical Skills You’ll Gain in Dental Assistant College

Becoming a dental assistant means relying on a wide range of skills and hands-on experience to provide patients with the attention and care they need. During your dental assistant training, you’ll be learning from expert instructors and working with real dental patients to develop these capabilities, setting you up for career success.  As a student

A Look Into the Different Dental Specialties for Students in Dental Assistant College to Explore

If you’re considering training to become a dental assistant, you might have pictured yourself supporting the work of dentists within traditional dental offices. However, within the field of dentistry, there are many different opportunities for specialization. During your dental assistant program at Discovery Community College, you’ll learn more about the various specializations within dentistry, including

The Importance of Teaching Patients Proper Oral Hygiene During Your Dental Assistant Career

As an aspiring dental assistant, one of the major roles that you’ll perform throughout your career is advising patients on the importance of proper oral hygiene. Proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing and flossing, protects the teeth from decay, health complications and limits the chance of future infections. Through the Dental Assistant II Program at

Interested in Launching a Dental Assistant Career? Common Extra-Oral Tasks You’ll Perform

Dental assistants help dentists to provide the best care possible to their patients. They do this by assisting with treatments as well as with a variety of administrative tasks around the office. It is also common for dental assistants to work alongside dental hygienists when needed. Great dental assistants have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

A Brief Guide to Dental Impressions For Those Pursuing a Dental Assistant Career

Dental assistants provide support for dental physicians and dental specialists, while helping promote good oral health and patient care. Level II dental assistants are prepared to provide more advanced intraoral procedures than Level I assistants, such as taking x-rays, removing stitches, and taking impressions. They have a wide skill set that allows them to immediately

Launching Your Dental Assistant Career? 3 Skills to Enhance Your Success

Working as a dental assistant is a versatile and rewarding profession that applies your skills to a practical work environment. To succeed in any dental practice, you’ll need to have a diverse range of abilities that encompasses both technical and soft skills. As a dental assistant, you are not only responsible for maintaining order and

Is a Dental Assistant Career Right for You? 4 Signs That Point to YES!

Dental assisting can be a rewarding career path for those interested in oral health and hygiene. Dental assistants provide a valuable service, caring for patients while also helping dentists manage various instruments and supplies during the patient’s treatment. If you’re someone who enjoys working with and helping others, then a future in dental assisting might