Becoming a Culturally Sensitive Carer Through Community Support Worker Training

As a community support worker (CSW), you may find yourself working with many people from diverse cultural backgrounds. As such, cultural awareness is something that should permeate your everyday actions with the people you work with, especially due to the supportive and caring nature of the role. Culture is constituted by learned values and beliefs

Use These Crucial Tips to Maintain Boundaries After Community Support Worker School

In community support work, it is hugely important that professionals maintain appropriate emotional and personal boundaries between themselves and those they work with. Having a separation between the personal and professional dimensions of life allows support workers both to maintain a focus on their core mission and to avoid the potential for ethical slips that

What You Need to Know Before Community Support Worker School

If you are considering training to become a community support worker, or have already applied for a program, now is the time to get prepared! Pursuing training for a career in community support work is an excellent choice for ambitious individuals who want to start a meaningful and in-demand career. By keeping a few key