Master Self-paced Classes at Discovery Community College

Learn at Your Own Pace with Online Courses, Offered in British Columbia

Are you Curious how self-paced classes work? Do they offer enough support? Would you fall behind? The consensus at Discovery is, we think not!

Croix Auker has started the self-paced business portion of his International Trade Management program and he is quite enjoying in. Croix gets the support of his teachers as there is an instructor in the class with the students while they study. There are also computer labs where Croix and his peers can work.

Croix’s teachers set out the expectations from the outset. They give out an outline of all the projects and assignments that they need to do and a basic timeline of when they should finish them.

A huge bonus of self-paced courses is the flexibility it offers. Since all the material is online (and you have hardcopy textbooks) work is done on the computer and transported by USB sticks. That means as a student you could do your work from anywhere – home, a cafe, or somewhere else. As Croix points out this also means you can bring your work home if you fall behind and want to catch up, or if you want to get ahead.

Self-paced work takes a little bit of discipline but the classroom setting helps structure your days as does the helpful instructors.

If Croix can do it so can you! Come and check out the International Trade Management program at Discovery Community College. Give us a call at 1-877-315-5241 today!