According to Statistics Canada, adults 75 and older feel loneliness at higher rates (14%) than younger adults (9%). This is quite a striking difference that reveals a widespread problem in our aging population. If you’re considering a career as a healthcare assistant worker, providing companionship to your elderly clients will be a crucial part of your work.
This can present unique challenges, particularly because of the generational gap that typically exists between elders and those who care for them. However, once you figure out how to make meaningful connections with your elderly clients, you’ll find that your effort is worthwhile. Not only will you be improving a senior’s quality of life, but acting as a source of much-needed companionship for your clients will be extremely rewarding to you. Here are some tips to get you started!
Prioritize Listening After Healthcare Assistant Training
One benefit of sharing a meaningful connection with someone is that you can open up to them and feel confident that they care about what you have to say. Unfortunately, many older adults feel cast aside, perhaps with busy family members who don’t visit as much as they’d like to. Lending an ear would mean the world to these people, which is why you should prioritize active listening when working with clients after healthcare assistant training.
How exactly can you do that? Firstly, be sure to remember the basics of effective listening, like avoiding interruptions. Give clients plenty of opportunity to respond to you. Incorporate active listening skills into your communications as well. For instance, you can show your interest in the conversation by asking follow-up questions and using open, attentive body language.

Get Creative With Fun Activities
We all love to have fun, and that doesn’t change after you reach a certain age. As a healthcare assistant, your elderly clients will appreciate your effort to incorporate novelty, laughter, and joy into their lives. There are several creative ways that you can make this happen. For example, why not encourage your client to express their creativity by setting up artistic activities like painting and making music? Research has shown that these activities offer great benefits to a person’s mental health, like boosting their mood and reducing stress. Another great option is to incorporate nature into your clients’ daily activities with a leisurely walk or some birdwatching.

Help Seniors Play an Active Role in Their Communities
“Giving is better than receiving” is a saying that rings true, particularly when it comes to giving back to our community. You can help elderly clients discover a renewed sense of purpose after completing your healthcare assistant diploma program. See what opportunities for volunteering are available in the area and see if you could facilitate a trip to the local humane society or foodbank. This may help your clients forget about their own problems for a brief time and experience the joy of giving. Our Professional Health Care Assistant Career Training program offers hands-on instruction in a real-world environment. With the right knowledge and experience, you’ll be ready to make a difference in the lives of others.
Ready to become a healthcare assistant?
Contact Discovery Community College for more information!