Using Health Care Assistant Training to Preserve Patient Dignity

For individuals in need of a health care assistant (HCA), maintaining a sense of dignity can be difficult. Needing help with daily living, personal hygiene, and other kinds of tasks that most people take for granted can be embarrassing, and can lead them to feel as though they have no control. It’s a situation that

By Sea or By Air: Comparing Freight Options After Attending An International Trade Program

At any given moment, countless goods are being whooshed around the world by air or sitting on the deck of a freighter being steadily propelled along its shipping lane. Professionals in international logistics make daily decisions as to whether they will choose sea or air to get their cargo to its destination. So how do

3 Simple Ways Pros With Dental Assistant Training Can Soothe Anxious Clients

It’s a well known fact that many people can suffer a degree of anxiety in advance of receiving dental treatment. This discomfort can vary considerably across individuals, ranging from a slight aversion to a full-blown fear of visiting the dentist. Fortunately, trained dental assistants can employ a number of strategies to help patients feel at

The No-Nonsense Guide to Building an Independent Accounting Career

An education is a great path to financial and professional freedom, and what could be more freeing than working for yourself? An independent career could let you work when and where you please, and build a lifestyle that will let you live the way you want, no compromises required. One area where self-employment is growing

What Students in Practical Nursing Courses Need to Know about the CLPNBC

Since professionals in healthcare serve the public, proper regulation is needed to ensure that they operate in the public interest, procedurally and ethically. This essentially means that people can rely on getting high quality, safe, and ethical care. The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of British Columbia (CLPNBC) is one of a number of organizations

Gain a Great Professional Network Through Community Support Worker Training

There really is something to the expression “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Finding professional success is made immeasurably easier when you have a network of colleagues who are able to swap tips, advice, and information about great new opportunities with you. Networking isn’t much fun for many people, though, and it’s

How a FITT Diploma in International Trade Can Benefit Your Career

With a myriad of goods moving around the world on a daily basis, international trade is a booming sector. At any given time of day, a multitude of various products is being transported by air, sea, or land to end up, among other things, as the food on our tables, components in our technological devices,

How Active Listening Skills Give You an Advantage in Nursing Training –And Beyond

Active listening is a technique that requires that an individual concentrate on what it is that they are hearing so that they can properly understand what is being said. It is the foundation of good, illuminating communication, and can allow listeners to make their own thoughtful contributions. While it may seem like a fairly simple

Discover a Rewarding Healthcare Career After Practical Nurse Training

There are many reasons to pursue a career as a practical nurse. For instance, practical nursing programs are relatively short, and can be a great fit for both individuals just starting in the workforce, or more experienced professionals who want to change course in their careers. However, one of the most compelling reasons for considering

Becoming a Culturally Sensitive Carer Through Community Support Worker Training

As a community support worker (CSW), you may find yourself working with many people from diverse cultural backgrounds. As such, cultural awareness is something that should permeate your everyday actions with the people you work with, especially due to the supportive and caring nature of the role. Culture is constituted by learned values and beliefs