Avoiding Burnout after Dental Assistant Training

Dentistry can be an incredibly gratifying and rewarding line of work. However, it can present certain challenges, and dental professionals can be vulnerable to stress and burnout. That said, such obstacles are easier to overcome than you think, and there are many tools you can use to make your journey as a dental assistant as

Preventing Compassion Fatigue when you Become a Health Care Assistant

Compassion fatigue is physical and mental exhaustion, combined with emotional withdrawal. It comes as a result of caring for others who have illnesses or traumas over a long period of time. Sometimes, these feelings can also cause apathetic or indifferent thoughts for caregivers. As a health care assistant (HCA), you not only provide important services

Steel Safeguards & What They Mean For Students in International Trade Management School

New steel safeguards went into effect in May of 2019. These safeguards are meant to protect Canada from unfair trading practices, preserving the Canadian steel trade industry and preventing loss of jobs. For anyone entering the field of international trade management, this matters as it affects the economy and available career opportunities. Canada’s steel exports

3 Important Self-Care Strategies to Consider During Your Practical Nursing Career

  If you’re pursuing a practical nursing career, you probably enjoy taking care of other people and helping to improve their well-being. A profession helping others isn’t sustainable unless you care for yourself as well. Self-care can let you provide the best care possible, by maintaining balance in your life and coping with stressors. This

How On-Site Health Care Assistant Training Develops Long-Term Skills

Students enrolled in a health care assistant (HCA) program will eventually get the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in class to real-life settings — and at Discovery Community College, they’ll get to do this while still in school through on-site training. While there’s plenty you can learn in a classroom with regards to becoming

How to Facilitate Personal Growth in Others During Community Support Worker Training and Beyond

A very rewarding part of community support work is seeing people grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You can use your passion for helping others to facilitate their personal journeys and find fulfillment for yourself along the way. Whether you are working with individuals who are facing developmental, physical, or mental health barriers, witnessing how their

Why Working in a Retirement Home After Health Care Assistant training is so Fulfilling

Studying to work as a health care assistant can prepare you for employment in several different environments, including in a retirement home. Though this may present a unique set of challenges, the experience of caring for the elderly and their needs is ultimately a rewarding one — and with a quarter of Canada’s population projected

3 Tips for Finding a Great Employer After Dental Assistant Training

After finishing your training, you will be eager to land a great job working as a dental assistant. It’s important to find employment that makes you feel good at work and allows you to perform to the best of your abilities. Take some of the following things into account so that the workplace you find

A Guide to Information Management for Students in Computer Business Applications Programs

Businesses produce and obtain a lot of information, like sales data, employee feedback, and performance statistics. When properly managed, this information can be used to help businesses set goals, improve performance, and gain valuable insights. That’s why information management is an important consideration for many modern businesses. Understanding information management is one of the learning

3 Email Management Tips to Use During Your Office Administration Career

Email is an excellent way of communicating with colleagues and getting things done quickly and efficiently, which is why it is essential for almost any office administration career. However, too much email can quickly lead to wasted time and a decrease in productivity. In fact, the average worker spends about 2.6 hours reading and responding