If you are looking for a career where you can make a difference and have a positive impact on the lives of other people, then working as a Health Care Assistant (HCA) at an assisted living facility might be right for you. Assisted living is a form of long-term care for people with disabilities or
If You Become a Dental Assistant, Here’s How You Can Maintain Infection Control
As a dental assistant, you play an important role in helping clients stay safe and healthy. Infection control is an essential part of that process. It helps ensure that any harmful microorganisms don’t spread from client to client, from client to dental assistant, or from a dental assistant to a client. Completing coursework in disease
Ways to Stay Productive in a Busy Medical Office Management Career
Whether it’s a doctor’s office, a hospital, or a clinic, things are bound to get a bit hectic sometimes—and that can be a good thing. If anything, it can push you to be your best and most productive self on the job. While it’s always important to stay organized and on top of things, sometimes
3 Career Paths You Could Pursue After International Trade Management College
Whether you’re warehousing materials, sourcing them out, or tracking shipments, there are many ways you can contribute to international trade. By making sure goods, services, products, and other materials are sent to certain places at the right time, a role in international trade management can be a gratifying one—and also one you can easily grow
Surprising Job Duties Your Healthcare Assistant Training Can Prepare You For
After your training as a healthcare assistant, you will enter your career equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to help people live better lives. Some of the duties involved might not be what you expect—after all, there are quite a few tasks and responsibilities that healthcare assistants have. Even something like talking to clients
3 Time Management Skills to Use in Your Accounting & Finance Training
In business accounting, time is money—and in more ways than one. Effective time management is an important part of succeeding while studying for any field, but especially for business accounting, in that it’s a major skill that can help you advance your career once you start working. An established routine can be difficult to maintain
3 Soft Skills You’ll Need to Succeed After Practical Nurse Training
Working in practical nursing requires a lot of skills you can develop inside and outside the classroom. As a great career choice for those who love working in a fast-paced environment, practical nursing has a lot to offer. Practical nurses perform tasks like checking on patients’ health and taking their vital signs, administering medication, providing personal
Note-Taking Tips for Students Considering Office Administration Training
Working in office administration involves having a keen attention to detail, being extremely organized, and having excellent time management abilities. Effective note taking goes hand in hand with such skills. Good note-taking can help you absorb class material, study effectively, and even develop good habits that you can use during your career! How can you
How Learner-Centered Education Provides the Best Community Support Worker Training
When it comes to education, conventional or traditional isn’t always better. Oftentimes, traditional approaches to education focus on lectures and memorization. By contrast, a learner-centered education, also known as student-centered learning, is where the student is essentially the focal point of their educational experience. It’s a strategy that diverts the focus to the student, teaching
3 Reasons a Humanistic Approach in HCA Training Prepares You for the Real World
Humanism takes into account that we are all first and foremost human beings with a common experience. As health, life, and death are all integral parts of the human experience, humanism can be used in health care to remind us of important values. While humanism comes from philosophy, it is still studied with regards to