Step 2 of Return to Campus Plan Beginning February 1st, 2021

We are currently in Step 1 of our Return to Campus Plan. This means that all classes are offered remotely except for classes that require specialized equipment (Health & Dental Lab). Buildings are closed to the public and students.

On February 1st, 2021, we will begin Step 2 of our Return to Campus Plan. During Step 2, we will primarily offer classes remotely (online) with the option for students to attend 8 hours face-to-face for every 20-hour block of instruction. To ensure a safe, stress-free environment, physical distancing and other public health requirements will be in place.

We are committed to ensuring you receive high-quality face-to-face instruction, where possible, and high-quality remote instruction.

Additional Resources


  • Healthcare, Medical and Dental

    Are you interested in working in the exciting and rewarding field of healthcare? Enter a truly fulfilling career path with Discovery Community College's Medical and Dental programs, which range from 38 to 93 weeks in length. Programs include Practical Nurse, Dental Assistant, Health Care Assistant, and more!

  • Business and Finance

    Are you drawn to the dynamic, ever-evolving business sector? Discovery Community College offers Business & Finance career training programs that can be completed in under 1 year. Build a strong foundation for a successful career in the business field.

  • Community Support Worker

    Are you passionate about helping the most vulnerable people in your community? With Discovery Community College's 56-week Community Support Worker program, you can make a difference in your community and affect positive change in the lives of others.

  • Professional Workshops

    Individual professional development courses to enhance your skills and employment opportunities