How to Start Your Own International Trade Company After Logistics Training

Are you passionate about international trade and making sure goods and services get to the right place at the right time? You might want to think about starting your own business. Finding success with an international trade company can present its own set of challenges, but it can become easier when you’ve completed your training and have a strong enough knowledge of the industry to enter it with your own organization.

Here’s how you can jump right into starting your own business after finishing your logistics training.

Decide Which Services You Want to Provide After Logistics Training

Building an international trade company after logistics school involves writing up a comprehensive business plan, including details about the services you are going to provide. Which products are going to be exchanged in your business, and will you focus on a specific niche? Are you going to send goods by truck, air, or by ship? Will you emphasize the use of couriers, warehousing, and/or freight forwarding? Do you plan to specialize on importing goods from one region in particular, or do you want your business to have a global scope?


These are only a few questions you’ll need to ask yourself. In any case, be absolutely clear from the start which services you want to build your company around, and choose an area that you are particularly passionate about. Perhaps you’ll even spot an exciting opportunity that others haven’t quite caught onto yet!

Calculate the Costs Necessary to Make the Business Function

While the idea of starting a business can be exciting, remember that you’ll need to have a certain amount of capital on hand to get things rolling. You’ll need to find investors and/or banks that can help finance you in order to set up the resources and hire the staff necessary to get started. Beyond simply finding funds to get the company off the ground, you’ll need to determine how much your operating expenses will be, such as fuel, tolls, maintenance, training, and paying the salaries to your employees—to name just a few examples of necessary costs. Budgeting is an important part of running any business, and correctly estimating your costs will help you price your services appropriately.

Figuring out necessary costs will help you understand how to get your business running

Expand Your Network and Connect with Potential Clients and Employees

Hiring the right staff after completing your logistics training will be an essential part of your company’s success. You’ll also need to establish a client base and build relationships with those in the industry. Growing your professional network can be an excellent way to achieve both of these goals. By getting to know talent within the industry, you’ll be able to spot key people who can help your company on the path to success. And by meeting people within the field, you might also be able to discover companies interested in your services.

Think about what services you want to provide, and connect with people in need of them

Do you want to attend logistics college?

Contact Discovery Community College to learn more!