Why it’s the Right Time to Become a Healthcare Assistant in BC

Health care assistant training

There are many different types of people who require day-to-day support and benefit from the important work done by health care assistants (HCAs), also known as health care aides. Clients in need of care services include people who have a chronic illness, individuals who have endured an injury or have a physical disability, and seniors, among others.

Graduates of a health care assistant program can expect to find fulfilling careers, working in places like assisted living residences, retirement homes or hospices, and elsewhere. The fact of the matter is that it is always a good time to train in health care because there are always people who are in need. However, right now it is an especially good time to consider a career in health care assistance. Continue reading to find out why this is the case.

Population Increases Are Boosting Demand for Healthcare

In November, it was reported that 19% of B.C.’s population is over the age of 65. That is almost one in five people who are senior citizens. Moreover, this number is projected to rise to 25% in the next fifteen years. While senior clients make up just one segment of the population who may benefit from care provided by graduates of a healthcare assistant school, these numbers indicate a significant increase in need. Currently, B.C. is committed to improving care for seniors and health care assistants are a large component of their plan.

There is a range of ways that an HCA can improve life for senior citizens
There is a range of ways that an HCA can improve life for senior citizens

More Jobs for People with Health Care Assistant Training

The BC Labour Market Outlook from 2018 predicted there would be around 6,000 Health Care assistant jobs created over the next decade. Given the province’s most recent announcement, it is likely that even more jobs will be created. The Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, said the government is committed to increasing the number of HCA staff at long-term care homes and in community care sectors.

In fact, the B.C. government is putting in $240 million over the next three years toward this effort as it implements plans to guarantee better care for the growing population of aging people. This means that employers will be looking to fill roles with graduates of health care assistant training.

More Flexibility and Benefits

Health care assistants provide emotional support along with support to do daily life activities. This career requires patience and compassion, which means you have to make time to care for yourself as well. It looks like this will become more possible with the funding and provincial effort to create more positions for HCAs.

Being a health care assistant is a great way to be part of a community
Being a health care assistant is a great way to be part of a community

Is it possible that more casual and part-time positions will be available, which may be beneficial if you also take care of your family or have other obligations. When you care about helping people, it is always a good time to start a career in healthcare. Right now, the province is showing that it recognizes the valuable work you will do and is offering more support.

Want to know how to become a healthcare assistant?

Find out more from DCC today!