[Infographic] Careers You Can Access with a Community Support Worker Diploma

Community support workers carry out vital work each and every day. By offering services to people with mental health issues, substance abuse problems, or physical disabilities, these workers enjoy a rewarding career that allows them to truly make a difference.

Students earning a community support worker diploma are exposed to extensive in-class training, as well as hands-on experience in a real workplace environment. At Discovery Community College, graduates emerge from our triple-certificate program with an Education Assistant Certificate, Personal Support Worker Certificate, and Mental Health Certificate. Once students have earned all three certificates, they obtain their Community Support Worker Diploma. Together, these qualifications mean they can enter a wide variety of community and social services careers.

It’s rare to come across a qualification which allows people to work with so many different age groups. From public schools to group homes, and from support services to residential care facilities, students in community support worker training have many exciting options to look forward to.

Let’s take a look at some of the great career opportunities available.

community support worker training

Careers You Can Access with a Community Support Worker Diploma

What is a Community Support Worker (CSW)?

Community Support Workers offer support, counselling services, and encouragement to people with:

  • Mental health issues
  • Substance abuse problems
  • Developmental challenges
  • Physical Disabilities
  • And many more

Community Support Workers are:

  • Patient
  • Problem-solvers
  • Caring
  • Good multi-taskers
  • Strong communicators
  • Non-judgmental
  • Resourceful
  • Team players

Together, these skills qualify them for many fascinating careers in many different settings.

Here are some of the settings where you can choose to work after graduation.

Community Social Service Agencies

What are community social service agencies?

They offer support within care programs to a wide range of vulnerable people.

CSWs in this setting work with:

  • People with physical and mental disabilities
  • Refugees
  • Members from vulnerable communities

Did you know? Almost 55,000 new social and community service worker jobs are forecast by 2024.

Group Homes

What are group homes?

Housing arrangements where a small number of clients are given dedicated support.

CSWs in this setting work with:

  • People with disabilities
  • Addiction patients
  • Survivors of domestic violence


Why do CSWs work in schools?

Students with disabilities can benefit from the care and attention of an expert CSW.

CSWs in this setting work with:

  • Kids
  • Teens
  • Students with physical , mental, and learning disabilities

Mental Health Agencies

What are mental health agencies?

These support services offer help to those with anxiety, depression, or another mental illness.

CSWs in this setting work with:

  • People in significant distress
  • Those experiencing mood changes
  • People suffering from isolation

Did you know? One in every three Canadians experiences a mental illness during their lifetime

Substance Abuse Centres

What are substance abuse centres?

They help clients recover from the damaging effects of addiction.

CSWs in this setting work with:

  • Clients recovering from alcohol addiction
  • Clients recovering from drug addiction
  • Clients recovering from gambling addiction

Homeless Services

What are homeless services?

These facilities offer support and temporary accommodation to homeless individuals.

Work in the following locations:

  • Emergency shelters
  • Drop-in centres
  • Temporary shelters

Did you know? In 2017, 3,605 people were homeless in Vancouver








Educational Assistant