Top 5 Skills Grads Need to Cultivate for a Successful Practical Nursing Career

nursing training

A career in practical nursing is as rewarding as it is eventful. You will always have plenty to do when offering quality care to patients in need, including making sure that they are regularly monitored and kept comfortable, administering medications, working closely with families, and much more.

To ensure that practical nurses work as efficiently and as effectively as possible, they will need the right skills and traits for the job. Below is a compilation of the most essential qualities that prospective students interested in a career in practical nursing will need for success. Read on to find out what they are.

1. Graduates of Practical Nursing Courses Need to be Compassionate

An important part of being able to effectively care for patients in any healthcare setting is being kind and sympathetic towards them. Compassionate nurses recognize their patients’ problems, empathize with their situations, and offer genuine emotional and mental support to help them. Practical nurses who exercise compassion will also treat their clients with dignity and respect, ensuring that the care they receive is both professional and positive.

Compassion is essential when supporting clients with painful conditions
Compassion is essential when supporting clients with painful conditions

2. Stress Management Skills are Important for Nursing Diploma Graduates

In order to be compassionate as well as calm and collected when supporting patients in distress, practical nurses must be emotionally stable. Much of that requires being able to effectively manage the stress that can often come with working in a fast-paced healthcare environment.

There is a variety of stress management techniques nurses can use, such as deep breathing exercises or using a stress ball for progressive muscle relaxation. Graduates of practical nursing courses should choose the methods that work best for them, and make sure to get plenty of rest and exercise, too.

3. Practical Nursing Graduates Should be Excellent Communicators

Communication is not just important for dealing with patients, but also with their families, doctors, and other healthcare professionals. Successful nursing diploma graduates can speak clearly and convey information concerning their patients to others in a way that is easy to understand.

Proper communication is also about being able to listen. Practical nurses with good listening skills will be better able to cater to a patient’s needs, understand their concerns, and follow treatment instructions, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring that they are providing appropriate care.

4. Attention to Detail is a Skill all Practical Nursing Graduates Should Cultivate

Practical nurses may care for several patients in a day, making attention to detail an essential skill, especially when it comes to making sure that a patient’s treatment plan is being followed correctly. Skipping steps or glancing over a critical piece of information on a patient’s chart could have significant and long-term consequences, so practical nurses should be extra vigilant while providing support. Nursing graduates should also make sure that they stay organized when preparing patient reports and medications, keeping in mind that even the minutest detail is important for their care.

Constant vigilance is part and parcel of a nursing career
Constant vigilance is part and parcel of a nursing career

5. Making Good Clinical Judgements is Crucial for Practical Nurses

The great thing about getting nursing training at schools like Discovery Community College is that you get the necessary knowledge to be able to make good clinical judgement. This will help you to better solve problems and deal with issues regarding patient care during your career.

Nurses who can make sound clinical judgements can also determine when it is appropriate to make certain decisions concerning patients, and when certain actions are within the purview of a trained physician or other supervisor.

Are you ready to start your practical nursing career?

Contact Discovery Community College for more details.