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Winter Fest at CW

The Event Planning and Promotion class organized the “Winter Fest,” and event intended to provide students hands-on experience on promotion and community outreach. Students were able to network with other students, faculty, and staff, as well as learning what it takes to have a successful fundraising event. The Winter Fest included refreshments, games, and raffle

A Thought for World Peace and Greetings of the Season

A quote: There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith WhartonIn this beautiful season of light, may you always be the candle or the mirror that shines for yourself and others, and may you be surrounded by the light of others.  We have a choice,

No More Snow Days

This time of year, it’s all too common to have to reschedule obligations due to weather conditions like snow. One of the benefits of online education is not having to worry about getting to campus in the middle of a snowstorm. You can stay safe and warm and dry, working from wherever you happen to

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