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Helping Online Students Succeed

Pursuing an online education comes with a unique set of challenges. A recent survey by Eduventures, Inc. of 28,000 students highlighted several important factors that impact academic performance. As this article from ecampus explains, Eduventures came up with three specific guidelines to help online students succeed: 1. Align online courses with objective design standards to

How Job Interviews are like Dating

With graduation season in full swing, scores of recent grads are entering the job market, whether for the first time or with an advanced degree. The experience can be at once daunting, exciting, and rife with horror stories. This article, which originally appeared in Forbes, looks at how the job search process is a lot

6 Key Email Etiquette Rules

From job applications to virtual classroom communications to social interactions, email is an important part of daily functioning. To come across well and effectively connect with others, you need to keep certain basic rules in mind. This recent post on email etiquette from Career Girl Daily shares 6 must-knows you should commit to memory. Here’s

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