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The College of Westchester Appoints Vin Siegfried as Trustee

The College of Westchester (CW) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Vin Siegfried as Trustee to the College’s Board of Trustees.  The appointment carries a four year term.  Mr. Siegfried has also been a member of CW’s College Advisory Council since its inception over 15 years ago. Chair Ann Conetta is very pleased

Happy 2015!

Welcome back to returning students, faculty and Greetings to New Students of The College of Westchester Hello everyone, and Happy New Year!  It is CW’s 100th anniversary as a college this year, and it is a great year to celebrate! The 2015 economic outlook is bright, and that means that it is also bright for

Does online college instructor gender influence student evaluation?

Because so much of the interaction between instructors and students in online education is virtual, it’s possible they may never see what the other looks like. A recent study suggests that students’ perception of an instructor’s gender, however, may influence the evaluation they give at the end of the course. The original paper, “What’s in

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