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CW in the News

Warren Rosenberg, provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at the College of Westchester, spoke on a panel about “Surviving in a Regulatory Environment,” as part of the recent APC Innovation Summit 2015.  He spoke on the topic of distance learning, such as online courses. You can read more here. Visit the College of Westchester

BBA Awareness Day

The Office of Bachelor Studies and Returning Students hosted a BBA Awareness Day, where students had the opportunity to explore the bachelor’s degree programs at CW. Two alumni students attended the event and shared their personal experiences regarding the benefits of obtaining a bachelor’s degree from CW, “I came to CW because I was looking

Who Takes Online Courses?

When Massive Open Online Courses appeared on the scene a few years ago, many educators speculated about the types of students most likely to enroll and complete these online learning programs. A recent report, “HarvardX and MITx: Two Years of Open Online Courses,” looked at data from July 2012 through September 2014 to give some

From Soft Drinks to Pet Food

The pet industry is in constant growth and CW students heard the story of an entrepreneur who learned how to grow with his company and how he became passionate about the product he sells. “This is a fun and engaging industry,” said Vito Mileo from, a company that distributes 150 brands of pet food

It Was a Tie!

Academics sponsored CW’s annual Barbecue and Softball Game in Delfino Park yesterday. Students and Staff & Faculty gathered to enjoy a BBQ, followed by a pie toss, and the traditional softball game between students and Staff & faculty. This year the game ended with a final score of 11-11. Congratulations to both teams!

Dr. Grace Bonanno Completed Her Ph.D.

Please join CW in congratulating Dr. Grace Bonanno who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University. Grace’s dissertation, “The Importance of a Pictorial Medical History in Assisting Medical Diagnosis of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Telemedicine Approach,” was chaired by Dr. Maxine Cohen. Dr. Richard Manning

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