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New Bachelor of Science in Interactive Digital Media and Marketing Press Release

The College of Westchester is pleased to announce approval from the New York State Board of Regents to deliver a Bachelor of Science in Interactive Digital Media and Marketing. This program is designed to prepare and equip students in the entrepreneurial and strategic aspects of interactive digital and social media design, production and utilization for business.

A deep understanding of content, including how to craft, design, produce, manage and analyze it effectively is in high demand in several industries, and we’re glad we’re able to offer this unique program at CW. “The College of Westchester is especially gratified to have received approval to offer the Bachelor of Science in Interactive Digital Media and Marketing as it is unique in the area.  Not only will students gather hands on experience and training in web design, gaming which informs gamification, and digital arts, but will also focus on the business of marketing where people are – on the internet.  The rhythm and role of social media channels is also emphasized.  The importance of these elements cannot be overstated.  I am delighted that CW is the leader in this essential area of study,” said Mary Beth Del Balzo, President and CEO.

This new degree program, CW’s first at the B.S. degree level, is a full 120-credit course that has been designed to prepare students in the following educational objectives:

  • Understand current, and anticipate future, marketing trends in the uses of interactive digital and social media.
  • Produce professional digital media elements within visual communication solutions for presenting and analyzing information, messages, and ideas that enhance audience interest, interaction and comprehension.
  • Perform within the design and development cycle of a collaborative business environment from needs assessment through conceptualization, design, production, testing, implementation and analysis.
  • Identify and implement contemporary analytics tools to track and measure the effectiveness of digital and social media campaigns
  • Ascertain and employ effective communication strategies for social network.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of, and ability to successfully implement, search engine optimization (SEO) of digital content and sites.

The program is designed to prepare graduates for entry into occupations such as commercial and industrial designers, graphic designers, and various positions in social media including content creators, managers, and strategists. To learn more about the B.S. in Interactive Digital Media and Marketing visit:

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