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CW Students Participate in Entrepreneurial Exchange Program

CW students, Josie Velez and Malcolm James participated in and completed the Enactus Entrepreneurial Exchange; a program implemented by Enactus Morocco and Enactus USA. The Enactus Entrepreneurial Exchange program is supported by the Stevens Initiative, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, with funding provided by the U.S. Government, and is administered by the Aspen Institute.

The Stevens Initiative is also supported by the Bezos Family” Foundation and the governments of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates.”

Josie participated in 2020, Malcolm in 2021. Josie’s team won a prize for the project pitch on Tugar, a sugar substitute made from dates and safe for diabetics. The remaining members of the original team are hoping to get a business started that will bring employment to the women in an impoverished town in Morocco and sales to the US. While Malcolm’s team did not win, he said of the experience, “it was really worth the time and effort”. He had good networking opportunities throughout the program.

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