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Spring Ahead

Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend. Remember to set your clock ahead an hour Sunday morning! Here are some tips for how to adjust to the new schedule from the National Sleep Foundation: Spring is just around the corner. This is a great time for new beginnings. Thinking about going back to school or starting

Current and Future Accountants Meet at CW

Adding new members and multiplying contacts is a very important mission for The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA.) In an effort to achieve those goals, representatives of NABA and current members of the organization from CW, organized an event to network and meet the new members. One of the guest speakers was Nelcol Philip,

Welcoming New Students – our Springtime Comes Early at CW!

Welcome to our new evening and online students!  Spring comes early for us every year when we hold orientation and welcome students who start classes in the dark days of winter but bring Springtime and light into our halls and our online classroom, Moodle!  While all of our students are special, the ones who decide

Celebrate Black History Month at CW

Kevin Howell, Managing Director at Anchor Strategy Group had an engaged audience of day college students at CW’s 2015 Black History Month celebration held in the Student Center. With strong international business, financial management, business strategy development and analytical expertise, Kevin formed Anchor Business Consultancy.  Anchor’s mandate is to help private businesses and governments to

The Third of The Four Agreements or When You Assume, You Make an Ass of You and Me

For those of us who are “Odd Couple” fans, we remember that famous Felix Unger line from the kangaroo court episode.  When you assume, you make an ass of you and me. Sitting a session with a client recently, she asked me if I had read the book The Four Agreements, written by Don Miguel

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