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National Medical Assistant Recognition Week-Day 3

We continue the National Medical Assistant Recognition Week. Estelle Coffino, Program Director/Chairperson of the Allied Health Programs joins the celebrations, and congratulates our Medical Assistants Students! “CW is proud of our Medical Assistants who are dedicated and compassionate members of the health care team, and who make a significant contribution to the quality of health

President Obama Congratulates CW

The President of the United States, Barack Obama, congratulated The College of Westchester (CW) as the institution is celebrating its 100th Anniversary. “I am pleased to join in celebrating your school’s 100th Anniversary,” said President Obama. “Since your school’s founding, faculty and staff have prepared students to meet the challenges of their time. And by

National Medical Assistants Recognition Week

Just like any other professional society, medical assistants also have their own week. It’s called Medical Assistant Recognition Week here in the US, and is celebrated October 19-23 under the theme of ‘Medical Assistants at the Heart of Health Care.’  National medical assistant week has been celebrated since 1984. CW joins the celebrations and congratulates

National Medical Assistant Recognition Week-Day 2

During the second day of the National Medical Assistant Recognition Week, we feature the School of Allied Health at The College of Westchester. The School of Allied Health is a leader in educating innovative and responsible allied health professionals. Graduates of our Medical Assistant Management and our Health Information Management programs, leave CW ready to

Is a College Education Worth It?

Every morning I skim through college and university listserves that highlight excellent information about our college students, featuring white papers, articles, both online and in the usual places, all which often contain compelling information.  Today I came across a piece, published in Huffington Post, by author Jamie Merisotis, CEO/President of Lumina Foundation, entitled Want to

National Medical Assistant Recognition Week-Day 1

Just like any other professional society medical assistants also have their own week. It’s called Medical Assistant Recognition Week here in the US, and is celebrated October 19-23 under the theme of ‘Medical Assistants at the Heart of Health Care.’  National medical assistant week has been celebrated since 1984. The celebration emphasizes the role of

Online College: No longer just for “non-traditional” students

Since its introduction, online college education has been touted as an opportunity and solution for nontraditional college students—older students, students who may have put their college education on hold, or others outside the under-25 first-time college student demographic. However, as discussed in this article from US News ( ),  the number of students in that

CW Welcomes Parents

CW welcomed new day students’ parents to the college as a way to provide an opportunity for the parents to learn more about their sons and daughters’ educational experience here at CW. “College is a time of significant growth and maturity for young adults. It’s fun and exciting for us to be a part of

CW Welcomes Parents

CW welcomed new day students’ parents to the college as a way to provide an opportunity for the parents to learn more about their sons and daughters’ educational experience here at CW. “College is a time of significant growth and maturity for young adults. It’s fun and exciting for us to be a part of

CW Students Well Prepared For the Workforce

There is a lot of talk in our regional business community that students are not prepared to enter the workforce.  One such organization, The Westchester County Association, is addressing the skills gap head on by overseeing a large regional grant to help put people together with employers who need each other, and by hosting boot

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