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Managing Your Career Portfolio

CW’s Dean of Faculty, Dr. Stacy Larson participated at the recent The New York State American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network panel. The event was entitled “Managing Your Career Portfolio… Get Out in Front of the Competition!” The event was hosted at Concordia College and included other 5 panelists from other institutions in our

Peace on Earth

With all of the discord and danger we find, especially in the past two decades of war, terror, oppression and prejudice, I find myself attracted to expressions of peace, more and more every day. In my present position as the president of a small college, discord inevitably arises as every sentient being conceives their own

Get Set for Daylight Savings

This coming Sunday, March 13, marks the beginning of Daylight Savings time for 2016. Remember to set your clocks ahead. If you find yourself frustrated with having trouble getting up in the morning or finding yourself more tired than usual come 8 pm, keep in mind that it’s totally normal to have a hard time

CW Students Travel to Albany

More than 60 students, faculty, and administrators from New York’s degree-granting proprietary colleges visited Albany to acknowledge lawmakers for supporting the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). The reason was to encourage them to restore the maximum TAP award for students attending colleges that offer only two-year degree programs. Our CW delegates were part of a group

A High School “Work from Home” Day

Park Ridge High School in New Jersey recently hosted its first-ever Virtual Day, during which students attended all classes from home. In-person classes were replaced with written assignments and video chats, using a software called Schoology ( ). The school ultimately found the experiment successful, with post-event surveys reflecting high attendance. Aside from the appeal

Black History Month

We celebrate Black History Month all year through.  This auspicious remembrance gives us yet another opportunity to find ways to bring equity to all people.  There is still so much to do to bring all people up to the same salary level, to respect all equally, and fairly.  Here is one of my favorite illustrations

Worst Resume Fonts

You worked hard in school and now you’re ready to land that dream job. You’ve got a killer set of skills and a resume that shows off what you’ve got to offer, so make sure you don’t blow it by choosing the wrong font. This article from the folks at Monster lists some of the

Welcome Spring Evening Students!

CW welcomed our evening students during yesterday’s Adult College Spring I New Student Orientation. During the event students were greeted by our Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Warren Rosenberg, “we’re honored that you’ve chosen The College of Westchester as the place to begin or to re-start your college career. All of the

Spring Evening Orientation

CW welcomed our evening students during yesterday’s Adult College Spring I New Student Orientation. During the event students were greeted by our Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Warren Rosenberg, “we’re honored that you’ve chosen The College of Westchester as the place to begin or to re-start your college career. All of the

CW Goes Red!

During the month of February, the American Heart Association promotes “Go Red for Women,” an educational movement that advocates for more research and increases awareness on women’s heart health. CW’s Allied Health Club showed their support and prepared a fundraiser to help raise funds for the American Heart Association. Pins, jewelry, healthy beverages and snacks

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