Exciting News! Kelly Walsh, College of Westchester CIO and author of the popular EmergingEdTech.com blog, has joined the Flipped Learning Network in a part time role as Community Director. As part of the shift to a community-driven hub, FLN just launched an updated version of its website to promote professional development and facilitate collaboration within
Welcome to CW’s blog! Check out our posts and get a glimpse of what life can be like at CW! Explore interesting information about CW activities, clubs, and people across our community. To view blog posts from our President, Karen J. Smith click here.
CW’s CIO Kelly Walsh Joins Flipped Learning Network
Exciting News! Kelly Walsh, College of Westchester CIO and author of the popular EmergingEdTech.com blog, has joined the Flipped Learning Network in a part time role as Community Director. As part of the shift to a community-driven hub, FLN just launched an updated version of its website to promote professional development and facilitate collaboration within
Learning With Fun at the Family Feud
The Office of Bachelor Studies & Returning Students put together the CW version of Family Feud, an interactive and informative game where students from different programs answered questions regarding the benefits of the BBA program at CW.
Boost Productivity to Lower Stress
Student juggling lots of commitments and projects can often feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Aside from hurting our work performance, stress can contribute to chronic health problems if we don’t get a handle on it. Easier said than done? Absolutely. However, there are some strategies you can use to help. This article shares some strategies
Addicted to your Devices?
We often joke about being addicted to our phones, tablets, and other tech devices, but it can actually be a serious problem when it starts hurting productivity. When even WebMD is writing about smartphone addiction, you know it’s a big deal. This article looks at some of the ways that tech addiction can amp up
i3 Scholars Program
Darnell and David at University of Pittsburgh participating in the i3 Scholars program! CW students Darnell Dixon and David Guerrero, were selected to participate in the i3 Scholar Undergraduate Research Program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences. The undergraduate program focuses on research and leadership development for the underrepresented populations across the
Independence Day
I truly do love New York. We live and work in a state that I believe is forward thinking, supports the rights of all, and encourages higher education. Our NY State education leaders are caring individuals who support freedom of choice and I am proud and grateful that The College of Westchester is one of
How to Recover from Job Interview Mistakes
It happens to the best of us. The interview is going so well, and then all of a sudden something comes out of your mouth you wish hadn’t. Maybe you let slip that you spend lots of time on social media during the day, or you accidentally say something less-than-considerate about your last boss. Now
100 top job interview questions—be prepared for the interview
Career Services at Your Service! ‘Tis the season to study up and ace that job interview! Answering question while you are at the interview can be some of the most nerve-wracking moments of your life! Take a deep breath, help is a click away, check out this article!
Accounting Networking Career Café
Career Services hosted an Accounting Networking Career Café where students had the opportunity to network with employers to discuss careers, including internships and full-time positions, as well as mentoring opportunities. Employers attending the event were Peter O’Connor from Robert Half Accountemps, Fernando Rodriguez, CPA, Jinga Cuervas and Amanda Bordino from Westhab, and Gary Javier from