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Bachelor’s Awareness Day

Chairpersons of the different programs at CW spoke to students in their 4th and 5th semester about the benefits of pursuing a Bachelor’s degree. Dr. Chris Nwosisi, Associate Chairperson of the Computer Networking Department, encouraged students to take the next step and obtain their Bachelor’s degree, “this degree will increase your competitiveness and open the

Congratulations to the Spring Day Students of the Semester!

Alejandra Rojas (Associate) Alejandra is a Business Administration Associate degree student with a 4.0 cumulative GPA, having achieved President’s List recognition. She will be earning her degree next August and is planning to continue on for her BBA at CW. As part of her future plans, Alejandra wants to become a lawyer or a marketing

Students Sign Up for Clubs

With a new format that allowed students to engage with the different clubs at CW, ‘Club Day’ was a total success. Students had the opportunity to walk around the Student Center, ask questions, and sign up to those clubs that looked more appealing to them. CW’s clubs and organizations offer a variety of opportunities for

Tips for Overwhelmed Adult Online Students

Now that we’re well into Back-to-School season, the excitement of a fresh start is beginning to wane as reality, complete with assignments, exams, and other deadlines, sets in. It’s completely normal for some students to feel overwhelmed and nervous, especially if this is their first online course or first time taking a course in a

Voter Registration at CW

As we get closer to the Presidential Elections in November, people are wondering who will lead our country during the next 4 years. Current polls show the race is neck-and-neck, and every vote will count in deciding who will lead our country. This is the reason CW invited the League of Women Votes (LWV) of

Healthier Coffee Drinks

Lots of busy students rely on caffeine to keep them going. In the grand scheme of bad habits, there are definitely worse ones than coffee. In fact, small to moderate doses of caffeine (think: a small cup versus a large) can improve concentration and boost energy. Click here to read more about caffeine dosage. One

Caring about Life Goals

As yet another tragic event shakes our area, and the US, we are reminded of the positive things – the people who help keep us safe, and each other.  People from diverse walks of life who keep each other safe and care about each other. This reminds me so much of CW, and my heart

Congratulations to the Winners of the Spring 2016 One-Sentence Story Contest!

Last semester’s one-sentence stories were a rather heavy affair.  The winners represent the heaviest.  In the end, death, love and endurance unto victory rang strongest with our readers.   The Writing Lab is therefore very pleased to announce the Spring 2016 One-Sentence Story contest winners: In 3rd place:   Blood splattered to the floor and he had

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