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52 Classes in 52 Weeks: Week Three

I was lucky enough to enjoy sitting in on Professor Art Pozner’s Emerging Information Technology class on January 17.  What an interesting and informative session!  I enjoyed their review of the history of technology including mainframes to minis to personal computers to smart phones, etc., as well as history of the internet and its current

How to Accelerate Your Career in 2017

With a new year getting into swing, it’s a great time to take stock of your academic and professional goals and make plans for making them reality. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut or lose focus when we’re juggling a lot of obligations and assignments, but getting clear on what you want to

Science-Based Productivity Tips

When you’re juggling a lot or trying to manage a big workload, time management can be a struggle. Students also trying to find time for school with family, social, and work obligations or a job search know this one all too well. It’s not just a matter of life-work balance or lack of willpower or

Goal-Setting for a New Semester

At the start of a new semester, it can be overwhelming to take in schedule changes along with deadlines for projects, exams, and other important tasks. Where to start? Before you go setting a long list of lofty goals for yourself, take some time to get clear about what you want to accomplish this semester.

Network Administration Program Certification/Course Updates

The Computer Network Administration department prepares for changes to our Microsoft classes.  The NET143 Windows Client Administration, NET151 Windows Server Administration, NET203 Active Directory, and NET223 Network Infrastructure Implementation classes will begin teaching the most recent Microsoft operating systems.  The Windows Client Administration class will teach Windows 10 and the Windows Server Administration classes (including

CW Welcomes New Day College Students

The College of Westchester welcomed our Day College Winter semester students. During orientation students were greeted by our Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Warren Rosenberg, as well as Mary Beth Del Balzo, president of The College of Westchester. “You can accomplish anything you want. You’re worth the investment and sacrifices. This is

52 Classes in 52 Weeks Update

I truly enjoyed meeting with Professor Terence Keyes and his Oral Communication class in our Adult Division.  Professor Keyes invited me to talk with the class about my experiences in public speaking.  I relayed the story of my first speech in Oral Communications.  I was a senior in college (it was not CW, but a

52 in 52

What a wonderful way to kick off the new year.  In my job as president of the college, I am often in my office, engaged in the running of the college, decision making, day to day operations and strategic planning.  To be able to connect more deeply with our wonderful students and fabulous faculty, I

MLK Day – a Brief Reminder

We regularly receive emails and information from the US Veteran’s Affairs Office.  We felt that this letter penned by Curtis L. Coy, Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Opportunity, Veterans Benefits Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, DC, was particularly poignant and appropriate for our Martin Luther King holiday.  Please feel free to share,

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