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How to Deal with Self-Doubt

We all experience feelings of self-doubt from time to time. Sometimes that little voice checking in with yourself (“Are you sure about this?”) can be helpful, but it can also become overwhelming and may even cause us to hold ourselves back from achieving our goals. While self-doubt has the potential to motivate us to get

Spring 2017 Honors Induction Ceremony

CW honored and inducted 24 students from Phi Theta Kappa, 18 students from Sigma Beta Delta, and 7 students from the CW BBA Honors Program during yesterday’s Spring Honors Induction Ceremony. Opening remarks included Dr. Warren Rosenberg, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Judith Lilleston, Associate Dean, Student Success. The purpose of

Resume Buzzwords To Avoid

As we get into spring and summer vacation and graduation looms, students step up their job and internship hunts and send their resumes out. There are many factors that can make you more and less appealing to recruiters. The words you use in your resume can have a huge impact. Think that highlighting what “creative”

Spring Showcase

CW celebrated the start of a new season with the JDC Spring Showcase. The event featured a Student Art showcase sponsored by the Digital Media Club, and performances by the Just Dance Crew and Brothers United. Food and snacks were also available for purchase sponsored by the Caribbean Student Association. Click here to view more

CWCF 9th Annual Scholarship Reception

“Education changes everything. And catching a break. Everyone needs a break, especially these days, and every little bit helps.  As I am proud of my own family, I am so very proud of each of our College of Westchester scholars here today, and proud of their families and their teachers as well. Tonight you are

CWCF 9th Annual Scholarship Reception

“Education changes everything. And catching a break. Everyone needs a break, especially these days, and every little bit helps.  As I am proud of my own family, I am so very proud of each of our College of Westchester scholars here today, and proud of their families and their teachers as well. Tonight you are

Make the Most of Your Day Off

For people juggling work, family, school, and other commitments, a “day off” can be a rare treat, but it can have big benefits. We often wait until we’re burnt out and overloaded with obligations and deadlines to even think about scheduling a personal day, but building that time into our schedule can pay off in

52 in 52: Class 13 – Professor Clarizio (Principles of Marketing)

In late March, I visited with Professor Clarizio’s Principals of Marketing class.  Guest Speaker John Chuhran of NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing), was already speaking when I got there a few minutes late (sorry!), but I quickly caught up with the presentation.  Mr. Chuhran, in his official gear, touting Perry Ellis, Ferrari,

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