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CW Student is Inducted into the IMA Accounting Honor Society

Management accountants are vital to the financial health of organizations. They make critical decisions, safeguard a company’s integrity, and plan for business sustainability. They might be CFOs and controllers, budget analysts and treasurers, or one of many other game changers on internal teams. However, every job opportunity in this field is highly competitive and every

CW Celebrates Black History Month

CW Celebrates Black History Month In honor of Black History Month, CW’s National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Club sponsored an event featuring three inspiring and successful guest panelists to speak to students about their careers and personal life experiences.  The panelists included Westchester County Legislator Christopher Johnson, New Rochelle City Councilman Jared Rice, and

Students of the Semester

Congratulations to our Fall 2018 Students of the Semester, Angie Jaramillo and Trayvon Campbell! Angie Jaramillo (Associate’s) Angie Jaramillo is enrolled in the Medical Assistant Management program, with a 3.92 cumulative GPA. She has earned both President’s List and Dean’s List recognition and is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa National Honors Society. Also,

Find Out About Saturday Classes!

The College of Westchester is will be offering courses on Saturdays for the Spring II Term. The Saturday Spring II session starts May 4th and ends June 22nd.  Class meeting time is from 8:30am – 12:15pm and will be open to Day and Adult College students. The following courses will be offered: GEN330 Adult Development

CW’s Entrepreneur Expo

Learning, networking, and meeting new people are pivotal components for a successful business. Recently CW’s Enactus Club hosted an entrepreneur’s expo to inspire our entrepreneur students to showcase their products and services to the CW community. With the slogan, “Real Classes for Real People”, CW student Katherine Jimenez, who runs her own dancing academy,  was

Annual Scholars Award Ceremony & Reception

Incoming freshmen who have been awarded scholarships for the September Class of 2019 were recognized at The College of Westchester (CW) Annual Scholars Award Ceremony & Reception. Students and their families heard from President, Mary Beth Del Balzo, Director of the Honors Program, Loretta Sinopoli, 2010 Alumni Katherine Alleyne Harris and a panel comprised of

CW Honors Ceremony

Proud moments for friends and family as their loved ones are inducted at CW’s recent Honors Ceremony; 25 students into Sigma Beta Delta, 20 in Phi Theta Kappa and 10 in the CW Baccalaureate Honors program. Director of the Honors Program, Professor Sinopoli said it best, “Your knowledge, your energy, and your tireless commitment to

Dr. Quiester Craig Fellowship Award

The College of Westchester congratulates Garwayne McGregor on receiving the Dr. Quiester Craig Fellowship Award from Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society. Garwayne is a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Garwayne says, “I am so honored to have been choosen to receive this fellowship award. It has motivated me now more than ever

It’s the Start of Fall at CW!

The College of Westchester welcomed our Day College Fall semester students. During orientation, students were greeted by our Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Warren Rosenberg. Students also had the opportunity to meet with their professors, get their student ID’s, and ‘Commit 2 Complete’ their degree. Following orientation, admissions hosted a BBQ that

Operation Backpack: Empowering Youngsters Throughout Westchester

Do you remember your first day of school? You were filled with excitement and apprehension for the year ahead. You were also nervous to meet your classmates and teacher. Your new backpack was stuffed with supplies, and your coolest clothes were laid out. Unfortunately, for many of the kids in Westchester County, the first day

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