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Veteran’s Day

On Veteran’s Day and always, we are grateful for the service of the men and women who sacrifice and put their lives in danger to keep the rest of us safe, in this wonderful country of ours.  At The College of Westchester, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the percentage of veterans among our student population is about equal to that of colleges throughout the United States.  As I have gotten to know some of them, I have learned that instead of saying thank you to them, that they are most glad to be told “welcome home”. 

I have two uncles who served in World War II, both in the Air Force, as well as cousins in the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines serving active duty and in peacetime.  I wish them love and blessings always.

I cannot say that I understand the experience that our service men and women have endured, or the extent of the sacrifices they have made, but I do want to say thank you, on behalf of the Faculty, Staff and Student Body of the college, from the bottom of our hearts.  I pray for you every day, and wish you nothing but joy, health and abundance throughout the rest of your days!

Governor Cuomo always has a good message, and I quote here;

Throughout our state’s history, New Yorkers have always answered the call of service and today we honor the more than 900,000 veterans who call New York home. From defending our nation abroad, to protecting our citizens here at home, the men and women of the armed services are America’s heroes. On this and every Veterans Day we pause to salute their sacrifice and courage. On behalf of all New Yorkers, I extend my sincerest thanks to our veterans, their families, and the service members who are deployed and in units preparing to deploy from New York in the upcoming year. Their selfless service has earned our deepest gratitude.

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