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The Turkey Costume Canned Food Drive Contest

As part of the Thanksgiving celebrations at CW, the Caribbean Student Association and the Student Government Association delivered the collected canned food items to Open Arms, a White Plains shelter for the homeless. During the contest, the professor with the least amount of canned food in their box agreed to wear a turkey costume at the ThankSharing Luncheon celebrated today. That was Prof. Schacht! Food donations included Staff, Faculty, and Students, including Prof. Newhook’s Event Planning & Promotion class.

The Open Arms Program is a 38 bed shelter for single homeless men which began operating in 1989. It has established itself as a model program. The program provides a full range of services for residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Along with caring and effective staff workers, Open Arms offers a number of on-site services.

Click here to view photos from ThankSharing Luncheon

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