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Students of the Semester

Congratulations to our Students of the Semester for the Fall 2017 Adult College, Abeer Ghanem and Michelle Seabrook!

Abeer Ghanem – Associate
Abeer is enrolled in the Associate’s degree program in Accounting with a 3.88 cumulative GPA. Abeer is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, has consistently earned Dean’s List recognition, and was recently awarded the CWCF Scholarship Award. Abeer was born in Saudi Arabia and raised in Jordan before immigrating to the United States, where she earned her GED in the White Plains Adult Education program. Abeer was referred to CW by friends who attended and pleased by the experience and opportunities they were provided. Although she is expected to complete her Associate’s degree this June, Abeer plans on continuing into the BBA program with the career goal of becoming an Accountant. Abeer is married with three children, loves to cook, travel, and spend time with family and friends.

Michelle Seabrook – Bachelor’s
Michelle is enrolled in the BBA degree in Business with a 4.0 cumulative GPA. Michelle is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa and Sigma Beta Delta Honor Societies, and has consistently earned President’s List recognition. Michelle previously earned her Associate’s degree in Business-Management/Marketing from CW in 2016. Michelle was born in New York and attended Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers located near Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. With the dream of working in the banking industry, Michelle focused not only on academics but also training in the fundamentals of business. Michelle is expected to complete her degree this April with a career goal of securing a management level position using her advanced education, diverse work experience and human resources background. Michelle resides in Yonkers where she raises her daughter Tiara and enjoys traveling and interior designing.

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