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Regent Dr. Judith Johnson Visits CW!

Dr. Judith Johnson, a member of New York State’s Board of Regents serving the 9th District of New York State, of which CW is a part, spent time with administrators, faculty, and, most importantly, students of The College of Westchester. Dr. Johnson visited with classes, and felt that CW students exhibited self-confidence and resilience.  Making special note of the support services CW provides to students throughout their studies at the college, she encouraged CW to continue to provide such proper support services. 

Regent Johnson quizzed faculty and administrators on student learning outcomes, discussed student support and remediation and parental and family involvement.  Dr. Johnson stopped in to visit with classes, and was impressed with the level of engagement and intelligence among CW students. During these classroom visits, Dr. Johnson spent considerable time in direct and unfiltered conversation with CW’s students and faculty including classes conducted by Dr. Wright-Shingler, Dr. Larson, Prof. Ruta and Prof. Sinopoli. CW personnel present at our group meeting discussed articulations with high schools, BOCES programs, and higher education programs including Westchester Community College, Iona College, Pace University and others.  They discussed externships and practicums, student expectations and employer involvement.  Dr. Johnson was very interested in and impressed with CW career placement statistics and student graduation rates.  Dr. Johnson felt that CW students exhibited self-confidence and resilience, and urged the college to continue to provide proper support services throughout students’ time with the college.  She echoed CW’s concerns that younger students should study on campus, rather than completely online, as students need that connection with someone who can mentor and encourage them.  President Del Balzo assured her that traditional students attend face to face, with web-enabled components to enhance, rather than replace traditional learning, and to encourage connection. 

Regent Johnson asked CW students and staff to give her their experience of the New York State student who enters as a freshman, and their readiness to be successful in college.  Excellent dialogue was held around student academic readiness and success.  Students mentioned the need for time management and to believe in themselves as two of ways to become more successful.

Students present also discussed CW’s jumpstart program, which allowed immersion in college prior to enrollment, with the opportunity to earn college credit and find out what it is truly like to attend college, as well as CW Summer Bridge, CW Summer Collegiate Academy and crash-a-class options, accepted student and parent events, and many other opportunities for students to make the right decision when choosing a college. Several students commented that CW’s outreach through the high school team and their subsequent participation in CW’s jumpstart courses helped solidify their decision to attend CW and helped them understand and prepare for the transition from high school to college.

President Del Balzo and Regent Johnson discussed student financial assistance through traditional and institutional means, to help offset the cost of a private college. 

We truly appreciated the visit from Regent Judith Johnson and appreciated the time she took to get to know The College of Westchester.

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