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How Constructive Criticism Can Help You

Feedback from our managers, instructors, colleagues, classmates, and even friends and family members can give us valuable insight into what we do well as well as into how we can improve on areas that are challenging for us so we can meet our goals. While positive feedback is generally welcome, a lot of us struggle

Why Should a Student Major in Accounting?

Organizations of all shapes and sizes need accountants – small businesses, major corporations, banks, investment firms, and governmental units at the local, state, and federal levels. Do some research and you will find that accounting consistently ranks among the leading careers in America. Accounting is a time-honored profession – most majors at our nation’s colleges

Tips for Handling the Emotional Impact of the Recent Overwhelming Tragedies

Our hearts go out to those who have been impacted by the unprecedented Hurricanes throughout the Leeward Islands, the Greater Antilles into the southern United Stated and in Texas.  This Hurricane season has brought much destruction and devastation to our friends and for some of us our families.  If that wasn’t enough, we are now

CW Alumna Jessica Perilla Shares Her, “Beautiful Digital Journey.”

Success in most fields requires a tenacious spirit and a drive to achieve. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Digital Media World. However, the perfect formula for success includes tenacity and talent. Jessica Perilla, the founder and CEO of JPD Studio in New York, possesses both, tenacity and talent as 2017 marks the

How To Search For Part-Time Jobs

After you’ve nailed down what type of job you’re looking for, it’s time to actually start that job search. When you’re looking for a part-time position, it can be overwhelming if you’re trying to find what you’re looking for when you’re looking at listings that also include full-time and temp work. The good news is

Fall Semester Kick Off

The College of Westchester welcomed our Fall students. During Orientation, Day Students were greeted by Dr. Warren Rosenberg, Provost and Vice Present of Academic Affairs, “you are all very wise in that you’ve chosen to pursue your college education and to earn a college degree. You know, of course, that you’ll be joining another American

Why You Should Become A Morning Person

You might say there are a few different types of people when it comes to morning people: -those who are morning people themselves -those who hate morning people, and -those who wish they were morning people It turns out that starting your day early can be a big boost to your work and school performance

Get Ready For Back To School

With fall classes just about to start up, it’s a great time to take stock of any last-minute to-do items and start gearing up for your new routine. Taking a few steps now can save you tons of time and stress in the weeks to come. Here are some ways to prep for Back to

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