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End of Semester Stress Management

As the semester winds down, it can be hard to balance work with life and school. Final exams and extra social and family obligations can be overwhelming. It’s totally normal to feel stressed, but when we don’t take steps to manage the stress in our life, it can make us feel worse by impacting our

Fall Honors Ceremony

Congratulations to all BBA Honors program, Sigma Beta Delta, and Phi Theta Kappa inductees! The purpose of Sigma Beta Delta is to encourage and recognize scholarship and achievement among business students. On the other hand, Phi Theta Kappa recognizes and encourages the academic achievement of two-year college students.  The Honors program is designed to introduce

CW’s Annual Food Drive

As part of our tradition CW held its annual “Food Drive.” Sponsored by the Student Government Association, different clubs members from Digital Media, Sisters United, and Enactus delivered bags of canned and boxed food contributed by the CW community to Open Arms, a White Plains shelter for the homeless. The Open Arms Shelter & Social

Time To Fall Back!

This coming Sunday, November 5th, remember to set your clocks back an hour for the end of Daylight Saving Time.  Sunrise and sunset will be earlier, but the upside is that there will be more sunlight in the morning to help you get out of bed to face the day. Many people find that this

Crafting a Killer Cover Letter

Nailing your resume and narrowing down your job search are both important parts of the job hunt, but what about when you find a job posting you want to apply for? Even a stellar prospective employee can be lost in the shuffle if their cover letter isn’t up to par. This blog post from Career

During Hispanic Heritage Month, We Congratulate Student Luz Lopez!

The New York League of Puerto Rican Women recently celebrated the 2017 College Awards Gala. The League honored nine community leaders, and presented 10 college scholarships to undergraduate Puerto Rican /Hispanic women selected for their academic excellence and service to the community. Among the students awarded scholarships is CW student Luz Lopez. “Being Latina means

52 in 52 – Professor Stephanie Pough – Introduction to Medical Coding

I enjoyed a great class with Professor Pough and her class recently, when she reviewed SOAP note analysis and dissection. The SOAP note (an acronym for subjective, objective, assessment, and plan/future plan) is a method of documentation employed by health care providers to write out notes in a patient’s chart, along with other common formats,

Coffee with the President – September 2017

Associate Chairperson John Strange (Accounting) and VP of Marketing and Media Resources Nancy Trim joined me for a little coffee and discussion.  We discussed potential finance curriculum development, certifications in Accounting, and Professor Strange’s appointment to Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.  This designation is special, as you must be nominated by one of your students. 

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