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Network Administration Program Certification/Course Updates

The Computer Network Administration department prepares for changes to our Microsoft classes.  The NET143 Windows Client Administration, NET151 Windows Server Administration, NET203 Active Directory, and NET223 Network Infrastructure Implementation classes will begin teaching the most recent Microsoft operating systems.  The Windows Client Administration class will teach Windows 10 and the Windows Server Administration classes (including Active Directory and Net Infrastructure) will teach Server 2016.

Windows Server 2016 was officially released at Microsoft’s Ignite Conference on September 26, 2016. Windows 10 Client Desktop operating system debuted in September 2014 following at a demo conducted at The Build 2014 conference. The first version of the operating system started public beta testing in October 2014, leading up to its consumer release on July 29, 2015.

We are excited to provide students with the opportunity to be at the fore front of the technology industry as well as help prepare them for the newest industry certifications the IT field has to offer. Since all the CNA Windows classes map to a Microsoft certification exam, beginning January 2017 in the NET143 Windows Client Administration class, students will learn and prepare for the new Microsoft Windows 10 certification exam, 70-697.  In the NET151 Windows Server Administration class, students will learn and prepare for the Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016 certification exam, 70-740.

In the Spring 2017 semester, students will continue to learn Server 2016 in the NET223 Network Infrastructure Implementation, which maps to the certification exam 70-741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 and in the NET203 Active Directory, which maps to the certification exam 70-742: Identity with Windows Server 2016.

Currently, the Microsoft certification exams cost $165, although students at CW can earn a free shot at taking a certification exam as one of the benefits of the CNA program by meeting certain levels of academic excellence while earning their degree!

We are excited about the changes in the Computer Network Administration program.  Students will learn the newest technologies, keeping them current in the field, offering them job ready skills they need to find gainful employment, as well as help prepare them for industry certifications.

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