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Managing Your Career Portfolio

CW’s Dean of Faculty, Stacy Larson participated at the recent The New York State American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network panel, entitled “Managing Your Career Portfolio… Get Out in Front of the Competition!” The event was hosted at Concordia College and included other 5 panelists from other institutions in our area. The panel included tips and strategies to discover how to highlight strengths and contributions during a job interview, how to stand out from other candidates applying for the same job, how to best display a career portfolio, etc.

Other CW’s Staff & Faculty members also attended the event.

The New York State chapter of the ACE Women’s Network is an informal network of women administrators, faculty, and others associated with or supportive of higher education New York State.
Formed under the auspices of the Office of Women in Higher Education (OWHE) of the American Council on Education (ACE) in 1977, the New York State chapter is part of the ACE Women’s Network, a national network organized by states and headed by coordinating committees within each state.

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