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Let’s Talk… The Road Ahead

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) from Westchester, recently celebrated their 2nd Annual educational event entitled, “Let’s Talk… The Road Ahead.” This event was an opportunity for parents, students and educators to receive information on how to prepare for life after high school as well as information regarding mental illness. One of our very own CW students, Latiefah Stewart, who is the NAMI on Campus Club President spoke on the panel. “It was a very comfortable environment for me,” says Latiefah. “Everyone there had a story to share, just like me.”

The Keynote speaker at this panel was Kevin Hines. He is an award-winning global speaker, bestselling author, suicide prevention and mental health advocate who reaches audiences with his story of an unlikely survival and his strong will to live. “Kevin’s story inspired me to do so much more with NAMI and with the community. Most people are scared because they think others are going to judge them. It’s okay to be who you are. I love that NAMI creates a unity and that everyone can come and be a part of something big, whether it’s for themselves or for a family member or friend,” concluded Latiefah.

NAMI is a national organization that offers the kind of understanding and care that only those who have lived the experience of mental illness can provide. They offer multiple programs to provide support to those that have a mental illness as well as those with a loved one that has a mental illness.

To read Kevin Hines story visit:
To learn more about NAMI please visit:

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