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Jessica DeLuca – Faculty of the Year

Jessica DeLuca started her professional career as a Paramedic. After several years in the industry, Jessica obtained her MPA in Healthcare Administration at Long Island University. She gradually became more involved in education, becoming a Lab Instructor with the local Emergency Medical Services Technician program, a Field Training Officer with Rockland Paramedic Services, and a certified CPR Instructor.

In 2010, Jessica started working as an adjunct instructor with CW’s Allied Health Department, and in 2012 Jessica became Practicum Coordinator for the Medical Assistant Management AAS Degree program. As Practicum Coordinator, Jessica is thrilled to be a part of the “bridge” that students cross as they move from the classroom to the workplace. She is grateful for the hard-working team within the Allied Health Department and throughout the college. She considers it to be an honor and a privilege to be a part of student success with this amazing team.

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