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Internship Opportunities for CW’s Digital Media Students

The College of Westchester is pleased to announce our recent internship partnership with Urban Studio Unbound in Yonkers. They will be accepting internship applicants from our Digital Media Department to work with them. CW’s Digital Media program is designed to prepare students to become employable as creative and adaptable media specialists including game design, web design & development, graphic design, and digital media & animation.

The program utilizes the most current digital media technologies which enable students to create and enhance personal portfolios at the culmination of the degree, which will emphasize their strengths, skills, and potential.

Interns will work onsite at the gallery to help with a variety of tasks, including but not limited to creating and maintaining artist profiles on our website, creating exhibition and promotional materials, assisting with exhibition installation and gallery prep as well as other administrative tasks. At the end of the internship students will earn college credit and may also have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in exchange for their service.

For more information about our Digital Media Program click here
For more information about Urban Unbound Studio in Yonkers click here

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