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Get Ready to Go Back to School

It may still be August, but Back to School Season is right around the corner. At the College of Westchester, Day College fall classes begin on Wednesday, September 14. Evening and Online classes kick off on Monday, September 26.

Taking a chance to prep before September comes can make those first weeks back a lot less stressful. Here are some ways to prep for Back to School.

Take stock of your schedule

Note what days and times you have classes. Scope out where you’ll fit in class, study, and test time. For students traveling to campus for their courses, this may be more straightforward. Online students may need to give it some more thought to see what places might work best to fit in their coursework. Creating a consistent schedule for yourself will help you stay on track. Be realistic with yourself.

Do you have to factor in a commute?

Look up directions now and figure out whether you plan to get to class via mass transit or driving. It may also be worth your while to reach out to any classmates you know to see if anyone wants to carpool.

Check what course materials are required

Just because a course is online doesn’t mean you won’t need to take notes or gather papers in a central location. If you’ll be using a computer and printer at home, make sure you have enough paper and replacement ink cartridges—nothing like running out when you’re printing a final paper to turn in! Also make sure you purchase any books or other materials once you find out what they are.

Get a handle on your sleep routine

If your fall schedule requires different bedtime or wake-up calls, give yourself a week or two to get used to it.

Make a grocery list.

Think about how to fit in healthy meals and snacks. If it helps, get in the habit of planning your meals ahead of time so you’re not scrambling at the last minute. A balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs will keep your blood sugar and energy stable so you can focus. They don’t call it “brain food” for nothing! 

To Request More Info about CW’s Fall Classes, please click here.  To Apply for CW’s Fall Classes, please click here.

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