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CW Participates at ICIET 2016

CW’s CIO, Kelly Walsh delivered a plenary session this week at the International Conference on Information and Education Technology 2016 (ICIET 2016). In his presentation entitled “Are You Ready for the Revolution? The Digitalization of Education is Happening,” Kelly examined the current state of numerous technology-enabled changes in education that are speeding the evolution of teaching, learning, and earning credentials, in schools across the world. “It was a real pleasure to share these insights with other educators from many different countries, and learn how most of us face similar challenges regardless of nationality, politics, and so on. The world of Higher Education is in many ways a truly global community,” Kelly said.

The purpose of the ICIET is to present the latest research and results related to Information and Education Technology topics. The focus of the conference is to establish an effective platform for institutions and industries to share ideas and to present the work of scientists, engineers, educators, and students from all over the world. The 4th annual International Conference on Information Technology took place in Los Angeles from January 4 – 6, 2016. For more information visit:

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