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The Adobe Education Exchange

Over a year ago I learned that Adobe began providing a virtual school and library of resources that goes beyond articles and references that one would regularly find searching the Web. Located here, the site is organized and categorized into Self-Paced Workshops, Collaborative Courses, and Live Events. These are the main features in addition to the previously alluded to articles, references, and other available online resources.

In the past year and a half, I have enrolled in over a half dozen of these Collaborative Courses and Workshops; which include Game Design, UX to UI Design, Web Design, Digital Video, Animation and Motion Graphics, just to name a few. Each involves using one or more of the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite of products, and these collaborative courses run for 5+ weeks and contain readings, videos, a live one-hour long online “class”, discussion forums, and an assignment.

I’ve been able to gain much from these courses and have integrated material and concepts into some of my classes. This has been a benefit to myself, my students, and CW as a whole.

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