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52 in 52 – Online@CW with Professor Thompson

Professor Janet Thompson’s Management Applications and Theory group welcomed me several weeks ago.  Professor Thompson invited me to participate via VoiceThread, which I did.  We discussed Quality Management and The Female Factor.  I have to tell the truth – I was not an intense participant, as technology got in my way!  I was away for part of the week and did not get to respond to every student’s comments, and had to opt for written comments rather than voice a few times.  However, it was a very interesting class, with diverse, strong opinions which I valued and respected.

We talked about Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg, as well as information about Arianna Huffington, Gloria Steinem and Maya Angelou.

One of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou; “There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you.”

The most important reflection for me in this particular class, made up of all women, was to dream and believe in yourself, to know that if you dream it, you can do it, to set your goals high, and to know that we stand on the shoulders of other strong women (and men) who believe in us and reached high and achieved, even when the stakes were high and the mountains almost impossible to climb.

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