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52 in 52: Class 11 – Ruta

I was delighted to be invited to observe Professor Jyoti Ruta’s Seminar on Critical Thinking, a senior seminar course.  Every Tuesday, this class participates in a “fishbowl dinner party”, by being assigned to a topic with specific talking points and are provided with extensive research materials that give them all materials necessary to conduct a conversation.  Groups of 4 or 5 take turns covering various portions of the materials. 

This week, the topic was Guns, Gun Industry, Federal and State Gun Laws and Legislation, Gun Lobby, Gun Control, etc.  The discussions were high level, compelling and analytical.

This type of intellectual mind stretching is essential to professional discourse and thorough research in the business environment.  Compelling topics such as gun control and gun violence allow students to formulate informed points of view and expound upon their well formulated opinions.  They also develop a sense of how to take action.

Inspiring class, inspiring students!

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