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5 Ways to Hit Your Water Target

Proper hydration is key to helping students stay alert and focused. Exact amounts will vary depending on your age, size, and activity level, but most people need about 8 cups of water per day. Sound like a lot? Here are five tips to help you hit your target. 

*Make it part of your morning routine. When you get out of bed in the morning, drink a glass of water. It’ll help your body wake up and get digestion going.

*Get into a habit. Have one glass of water with each meal and one between each meal. Even if you don’t finish each glass, having some is better than none.

*Make it convenient. Get a refillable water bottle or cup and keep it within easy reach to make water a no-brainer. If remembering to refill said refillable container is tricky, get an extra-large one (think 32 instead of 16 ounces) so you don’t have to replenish as often through the day.

*Keep it interesting. Hate plain water? Try sparkling water or add fruit slices, cucumber, or fresh herbs to your water.

*Set reminders. Make your tech devices work for you and set alerts on your phone, fitness tracker, or watch to remind yourself to drink up throughout the day.

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