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5 Reasons to Eat an Apple a Day

In the spirit of the beginning of the fall semester, let’s talk back-to-school snacks. Apples are a classic fall fruit. Here are just a few good reasons to enjoy “an apple a day”:

1.      They’re seasonal and local: New York State is the second largest producer of apples in the US, producing over 29 million bushells of apples annually.

2.      They’re a great source of soluble fiber: One medium-sized apple packs 2-3 g each for only about 85 calories. Research has shown that soluble fiber can help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar, protect against some cancers, and promote healthy digestion. It can also help manage weight, as fiber fills you up without a lot of calories, so you feel full for longer.

3.      A daily apple boosts your vitamin C intake: A medium-sized fresh apple contains about 10% of your daily vitamin C needs. Getting adequate vitamin C helps keep the immune system working and allows the body to make collagen, which helps heal wounds. It also acts as an antioxidant to protect the body from free-radical damage.

4.       They’ll help keep your teeth clean: Chewing on a fresh apple stimulates saliva production in the mouth, helping prevent tooth decay. Can’t brush after lunch? Try having an apple for dessert to freshen your breath and polish your teeth!

5.      They’re a natural convenience food: Apples are super-easy to grab & go. They’re also incredibly versatile. Use them in breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert! Leave the skins on for optimal nutrition.

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