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Why Should a Student Major in Accounting?

Organizations of all shapes and sizes need accountants – small businesses, major corporations, banks, investment firms, and governmental units at the local, state, and federal levels. Do some research and you will find that accounting consistently ranks among the leading careers in America. Accounting is a time-honored profession – most majors at our nation’s colleges and universities don’t lead to immediate entry into a profession – accounting does.  Looking back at my life before teaching, when I was a municipal bond specialist, I learned that my knowledge of accounting gave me an edge over my peers who lacked accounting knowledge in mastering the exams that must be completed to obtain the requisite licenses – accounting is a great major for anyone who seeks a career on Wall Street  or any finance-related career.

CW graduates Jayatri Dutta, Pauline Grandison, Wanda Hernandez, and Elida Loci were awarded prestigious accounting scholarships by The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA).  Click here to view the story.

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