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April 2017 Coffee with the President

April’s Coffee with the President resulted in an excellent discussion with professors Steve Paris, Jason Schoen and Paula Cancro.  Topics focused on how to continue to serve our students best both inside and outside of the classroom.  All three instructors shared some great stories about inspirational students as well as their great ideas.

Paula talked about her Adult College Project Management Essentials students and a discussion ensued about tutoring, including tutoring the Learning Center staff and online students utilizing Brain Fuse.  All three instructors support expansion of Brain Fuse to include day college students and promotion of the support service across the college, which I enthusiastically support as well.

They also proposed a computer technology skills boot camp class for new students, a wonderful idea and one that would make sense to consider developing in the near future.

We also discussed gaining more faculty-infused tutoring, bringing more outside speakers as a regular semester happening, and the possibility of additional class sections to increase schedule flexibility for students.

It is conversations like this that truly reinvigorate and prove the passion that permeates staff and faculty at CW and their desire and effectiveness in supporting our students and helping to develop student skills, talents and abilities, as well as supporting student self esteem and wellbeing.

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