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52 in 52 – class 8

Ethics and Professionalism with Prof. Mike Flanagan was fantastic. This was a Monday morning, 8am class.  Students arrived on time, assignments in hand and ready to talk.  Their assignment was to write about and present on a recent occurrence they had observed or had become aware of that was either lacking in ethics, or ethical, and how they perceived it within their own moral code.  We talked about a variety of topics from hacking and acting unprofessionally in internet based group games and activities, to this weekend’s expulsion of a high profile sports celebrity from a Knicks basketball game, to court cases and even the ethics and personal morality struggles involving a homeless person wanting to pay for and eat a meal in a restaurant.

We then split up into groups and completed an assignment about stakeholders within organizations, how they are formed and how they function, the different types of stakeholders in an organization, who holds the power and where that power is derived from.

While all of the students I have met with have been motivated, bright and engaged, I was especially dazzled by this group!

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